Skin cancer prevention

We use a computer-based digital dermatoscopy  with 20-140 times magnification in order to analyse birthmarks in the context of skin cancer prevention. A storage of the pictures taken is possible. These  birthmarks and other skin alterations can be assessed over time.


That way alterations of birthmarks can be recognized at an early stage and can be removed precociously. This examination method with storage of the pictures  is not covered by the standard medical insurance.
Skin cancer prevention covered by public health insurance includes a visual whole-body examination and of the skin and body folds. Suspicuous moles may be inspected if necessary by dermatoscopy.

For a skin cancer prevention examination is a previous appointment necessary.


Dr. Jacques Wyrobnik, MD

Dermatologist – Allergist – Laser medicine

phone: 069 / 49 33 88

private patients: 069 / 90437123


address: Pfingstweidstr. 4, 60316 Frankfurt

Our surgery is located near the main entrance of the Frankfurt Zoo.
Accessibility via public transport:
Underground lines U6, U7 and tramway 14 – Station: ZOO,
Suburban-train (“S-Bahn”) and tramway 11,14 – Station: Ostendstraße

Car park: “ZOO-Passage”, Grüne Straße 14, which is a side road of the Pfingstweidstraße